While we often receive and greatly appreciate testimonials from our clients, we are rarely complimented by a judge on the record in open court. But that is exactly what happened during the Final Approval Hearing in our class action lawsuit against Wells Fargo.
During the proceeding, Federal District Court Judge Tim Black lauded our work as lead plaintiff’s counsel in the case which produced a $12 million settlement for borrowers who were prevented properly receiving a loan modification between 2018 and 2019 due to a technical “glitch” in company’s software.
Following is what Judge Black had to say about our performance in the case which took nearly two and one-half years to litigate and settle.
Brian, I, and everyone at DannLaw would like to thank Judge Black for his comments.
We also want everyone to know that we always bring the same level of professional and unwavering commitment to justice that enabled us to win against Wells to every case we handle and every client we represent.
If you or your family are struggling to make your house payments, are facing foreclosure, are being harassed by a lender or creditor, Contact us today. We are ready, willing, and eager to fight for you.
Not to tip my hand, but I think it’s a credit to everyone at this hearing that this matter is proposing to resolve in this way.
All right. I’m impressed with the work of numerous lawyers on this and I congratulate you all.
I’m enormously impressed by the legal talent that was brought to bear here and the settlement that is proposed and to be achieved.
The recovery is substantial and excellent. The case faced potential risks. The method of distributing relief…is clearly efficient and effective and fair.
The fact that there are only about ten opt outs and one remaining objection speak to the absent class members strongly supporting the settlement.
Class counsel and the class representatives have zealously represented the class and effectively. The Settlement’s in the public interest supported by class counsel and Plaintiffs. The allocation and distribution plan is fair, reasonable and adequate.
Mr. Dann, while I have you, can I tell you that Mr. Flick is a good lawyer who carries your water
- DANN: Thank you very much. He’s an excellent lawyer and I rely on him all the time.
Toward the end of the hearing, Judge Black asked Amanda Groves, one of the attorneys who represented Well in the case this question: This is a loaded question and it’s my last one and I’m sort of a wise guy. But as I look at the plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees motion, given your enormous experience, do you think this class action was complex?
Ms. Groves: Yes, Your Honor, it was complex. I think that’s a fair description of the case